WhatsApp has been working day and night for the last few months to come up with a totally new feature that will be particularly focused on themes for individual chats. And well, it is now finally coming to make its long-awaited debut after this time of hard work and anticipation. However, there is an important caveat here: currently, only the Android beta version of WhatsApp will be able to avail of and enjoy this exciting new feature for the time being.
As most of the users are not going to get this feature immediately, what is coming into the horizon for the WhatsApp users has left everyone thrilled to wait for. According to reports, it will soon be available to all the users within a few months' time.
That may even make you wonder in your mind: "Isn't that sufficient that WhatsApp already offers some chat themes?" Indeed, that's so; the app does offer some options for chat themes. However, this is pretty new, interesting, and unique when compared to the existing ones because it allows you to customize and assign different themes to individual chats rather than carrying the same theme for all your chats. While Facebook Messenger has included this specific feature for quite some time now, this specific attribute is yet to catch up in WhatsApp.
It provides 20 different colors for its users to enable the creation of countless varieties of their choice. There are over 22 unique, separate textured themes available that can further be personalized at individual chats with addition of wallpapers, and ensuring the chosen color of the message doesn't change.
The most salient feature? Unlike Facebook Messenger, it so happens that it is a platform where themes in unison run throughout all the participants of the group chat. A unique characteristic of WhatsApp, however is that themes are kept private by each participant individually. That means for every discussion over which they are a party to, they will be able to personalize their experience about it without affecting the theme settings of any other participant engaged in the discussion.
Stay tuned, and look out for it as it starts to roll out further in the near future.
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